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Thursday, August 14, 2003



Just browsing this site for the first time. Very interesting and thought provoking. Any prayers or novenas to St. Joseph Moscati?
God bless


Hi...I want to thank you for putting this site online. Just last night I was asking a priest about lay saints on an ewtn forum. Do you have any other references of lay saints? thx Eric


Sorry it has taken me so long to respond! (This blog has been in hibernation for some time.) For more on St. Moscati, including prayers to him, check out this link: http://www.gesuiti.it/moscati/Eng.html

As for other lay saints, the best collection out there is the book called Lay Saints by Cruz.


I came across your blog while looking up St. Joseph Moscati; I also found this page http://www.savior.org/saints/moscati.htm
which was summarised & adapted from
Joan Carroll Cruz, "Secular Saints: 250 Canonized and Beatified Lay Men, Women, and Children." you may like that book!
Happy feast of St. Gildas! =)


oops, just read your last comment above mine. haha!
I reckon Opus Dei is a great example of how laity can find holiness in their daily lives =)

"God is not removing you from your environment. He is not taking you away from the world, or from your condition in life, or from your noble human ambitions, or from your professional work... But he wants you to be a saint - right there!"
-St. Josemaría Escrivá


Saints Behaving Badly: The Cutthroats, Crooks, Trollops, Con Men, and Devil-Worshippers Who Became Saints:- http://www.amazon.com/Saints-Behaving-Badly-Cutthroats-Devil-Worshippers/dp/0385517203/
So What Did the Saints Really Look Like?: http://annball.com/books/look1.shtml
Hagiography Circle: http://newsaints.faithweb.com/

But I had read enough now to sense, to feel, to know that apart from being just that, they were the most thrilling, the most interesting, the most courageous and even the most glamourous people of all. I decided to write historical novels whose heroes and heroines were saints.
-Louis de Wohl

Patricia L.Azzara Smith

your site is of a great interest to me...for I have learned threw my Family Tree...that Joseph Mascoti is on my Family Tree...reading many articles about him ...and one night flipping the TV there it was his Life Story ...I was caring for My Mother's first cousin Enrico Caputo at the time November 2009... very interesting but we were sad for only seeing the last half...but his wonderful story made our night...Thank you for your interest and writing about Saint Joseph Mascoti...Patty Smith

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