I know it's been some time since I last posted. Unfortunately, I am incredibly busy with work and business travel. Posting will probably remain limited until mid October, when I have finished this current transaction and moved to my new home.
But I break this blog hiatus to let what few readers I still have know about a wonderful event coming up in the Archdiocese of Chicago. On September 10th, Cardinal George will be celebrating Mass as part of the archdiocese celebration of the Year of the Eucharist. What is unique about the event is that it is being co-sponsored by and will involve the majority of the lay ecclesial movements present in the archdiocese. Afterwards, there will be a reception and an opportunity to meet representatives of the lay movements and ask them questions about their life.
So if you have ever wanted to learn more about the lay movements and are in the Midwest, come and join us! I will be there and probably will spend some time manning whatever booth Communion and Liberation has at the reception. It's something that will be special for me, because my involvement with CL began when I decided to go to a similar Mass last year so that I could meet CL. I look forward to being on the other side of the table, trying to answer from others some of the questions that I was asking last year.
For more information, check out the Archdiocese of Chicago website or download the flyer here: Download lay_movements.pdf.