If anyone is reading this, let me begin by praising your patience. I've been absent from St. Blog's for so long that it wouldn't surprise me that someone coming across Integrity might think it is new to the blogosphere, not approaching its fourth anniversary. Well, the good news is that the work project that was keeping me on the road basically five and a half days a week for nearly three months has (essentially) come to a close. The bad news (at least for you, the reader, who has been so patient with me throughout this time) is that I'm not quite ready to return to active blogging. In the midst of all of this hectic activity, I bought a condo, which has been sitting empty, waiting for me to have a free moment to move in. So I have much packing and moving and setting up to do over the next few weeks if I am to meet my goal of being settled in by Thanksgiving. After that, I do intend to return to blogging. Although you can expect several posts a week here at Integrity, and more participation by me over at Peguy and La Nouvelle Theologie, I'm going to concentrate my efforts for a time over at my other blog, Rethinking Economics. If you haven't looked at that blog in a long time, make a visit and re-read my original vision for it. See you in December!