I know you are all shocked. A new post? Yes, I am going to do my best to get back into the swing of things.
However, for the moment, I want to direct your attention to Intentional Disciples, a blog sponsored by the Catherine of Siena Institute. I've long had links to their work on the sidebar. You should check out both the blog and their website. The Catherine of Siena Institute is dedicated to helping Catholic laity recognize their true nature and live it out in all of its fullness. This has been the mission of Integrity, even as it has evolved away from a paragraph by paragraph study of Christifideles Laici to a more personal account of my own experience in trying to live the Christian life and my experience in the Communion and Liberation lay ecclesial movement. I always wanted to have a lively discussion on Integrity about Christifideles Laici. It was my original desire for this blog, all the way back in 2002. But the conversation never quite developed.
Well, it is happening over at Intentional Disciples. And I'm blessed to have been invited to participate.
So, although I do plan to get back to posting regularly here, if you don't see something new from me when you visit, swing by Intentional Disciples.
And, John F., thanks for the reminder. I do owe you a reply. I will email you this weekend.