Well, after a day's delay, I finally walked in the door at my house about 6pm. Much to do, so the reflections on the papal audience will have to wait a bit. But in the meantime, here's a couple of pictures, a link to a Flickr photo album of the raw digital files and the audio broadcast of Vatican Radio's coverage. (I'm guessing they will indulge me in my posting of it.)
Exhausted, I'm now off to do what I must do and get some rest. But soon, I'll post tales of the trip. It was wonderful!
Update: Alex rightly noted that I didn't post any links or pictures. Which means of course, I mistakenly hit the "publish" versus "save as draft" button. I've updated with some pictures (click on them for larger versions) and now YouTubes of short movie captures I did at the papal audience. I apologize for the quality of some of the pictures you will see in the coming weeks. Once I learned that Rome was so dark, I decided to forego my flash. But I am not as patient as I should be, without a tripod as well, to do the camera tricks (the limited ones my cheap digital camera can do) to compensate for that. Also, does anyone know where I might be able to host the audio for free? YouTube limits length to 10 minutes and if I were to just host it as a file here on the side a mere 7 of you downloading it would eat up all my bandwidth. Any suggestions?
wow! you are tired! (or am I missing the links?) Anyway, rest up.
Posted by: Alex Vitus | Tuesday, March 27, 2007 at 07:15 PM