So, I know, normally I keep the posts on Integrity laser-focused on its main theme of the vocation of the laity. But, hey -- it's a new post. Be thankful for what has been given! Besides you need to read this one.
Buy Jonny Lang's new album, "Turn Around". It's linked in my "Currently Playing" list to the right. It is phenomenal. I forget when I first discovered Jonny. Probably right around the time "Lie to Me" was first released. I couldn't believe, back then, that what I was listening to was the work of a 15 year old kid who had only been playing guitar for a few years. I love blues, and here was a full-throttle blues voice in the most unusual of packages.
Well, I own all of his CDs. I even tracked down a copy of his indie, "Smokin'", produced when he was 13. The style has evolved, from straight classic blues, to a more rock edge, with a neo-soul feel. Frankly, these type of labels have never interested me in music. Is it good or is it not? That's all I have ever cared about.
And this is good. This is a sharper album than his others. You can hear the growth and the difference in his perspective. And that's part of what is very unique about it. Apparently, Jonny Lang has become a Christian. This album is very much a description of his spiritual journey. But fundamentally, it's awesome music.